Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 7 blog

Please provide the class with your best suggestions for coping with stress, to help all of us...


berniece said...

The best way that i relieve stress is to take a time out. I used to worry about everything and everybody and at times would be on overload. It took me time to figure out how to deal with everything. One day my granny said to me take a time out, i asked her how and this is what she told me, turn off everything, tune out everybody even the voices in your head , go to the water and release everything into the wind.

DMC said...

I don't know if I'm the best source for advising stress reduction, and I'll tell you why; I'm a sailor, for me, stress reduction has been having a few beers after work, especially after pulling into a foriegn port, after being at sea for two or three weeks. Me and some friends would usually find the nearest bar or pub and start slamming 'em down. There used to be a time when I would practice some type of meditation techniques, reading poetry while listening to music, (earth music or Native American Flute music was always the best), the Doors also had some sort of psycosomatic effect as well. No kidding, put on "The End" one of these days (the song from "Apocolyps Now"), and find out what I mean. Since being married, starting with my first wife, I've never had the time to really meditate like i used to, in fact, my first wife frownd opon it, saying that it was a waste of time. So, I would find other ways of relieving stress, beer! Now, some of you might be saying, maybe I should pray more, I have, and I do. You might think "is he an alcoholic?" Maybe, I'd rather admit that I like to slamm a few down, than to deny what I do. This method for stress relieve may not be appropriate for everyone, and maybe some day I can put the beer can down and say, "I don't want this any more." But, for now, this is what works for me. One Caveate, I don't drink and drive.

Mik said...

My biggest sugestion for coping with stress, would be not to get stressed! But when it happens i can say that just walking outside for a few minutes getting away from what it is that is stressing you out helps me the most.

Amanda said...

I try my best not to stress out but it happens. I find that working out is the best way for me to relieve stress. I put on some rock music, crank up the volume, hop on a treadmill and run until it hurts. Another stress reliever is to watch romantic movies. I like the sad ones that make me cry, I forget why I am all stressed out.

Kerry said...

You sound balanced to me....

mz jazzy m said...

The best way to relieve stress...hmmm. For me it depends on the situation. If I'm at work I have to remember that I am in a professional environment and I can not react in way that I would if I were home. I would remove myself from the equation; maybe go outside and take a walk and I have a lot of stress toys at my desk, I might even call my mother and vent to her (she's good at calming me down). Now, at home I'm going to say what i have to say whether you like it or not then I'm going to have a drink and go to I'm not that good at relieving stress at home, that something I still have yet to master and still working

Bruce said...

How do you deal with stress? Well first of all you cant sweat the small stuff try to have and "it is what it is" attitude. But if you do get stressed out try to do somthing active to clear your mind like go for a run or maybe play some type of sport. Afterwards I promise you will fell better about the obstacles you have ahead.

Anthony Henderson said...

I believe the best way to deal with stress is to find a hobby or to get away and free your mind. A hobby is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Whatever hobby you choose is up to you. I personally like to customize trucks. My newest project is a 2000 Chevy S-10Extreme. Another way to relieve stress is to get outside and do something to take you mind off what is bothering you. I enjoy riding my bike to the beach. It is relaxing to ride my bike and I also get a great workout. I also enjoy playing video games it is great to pop in a disc and shoot anything and everything. These are the ways I relieve stress and I believe you should try one of these stress relievers if you get stressed.

Jen said...

Stress is not a really big issue for me. However, it used to be. I'd stress to the point of making myself sick because there just wasn't enough time in the day to meet everyone's demands and still have something left over for myself. I had a major wake up call a few years ago, and it changed my perspective on a lot of things. These days, I decrease stress by writing it all out. Sometimes I blog, sometimes I just free-think on a scrap of paper, other times I sully the pages of one of my journals with all the crap I just have to get out in order to go back to reality.
I really hate housework, but I notice that my stress level is much much lower when there isn't clutter lying around, when the furniture isn't sticky with little kid sugar prints all over it, when the walls look clean rather than like murals, or when there isn't a mountain of laundry stacked up. It's really worth it for me to put other things aside and just clean like mad for a bit if I start feeling out of sorts. Not only does it get the housework done, but I blow off some steam while snapping the wrinkles out of the clothes or scrubbing the grime off of things.
I relieve stress and detox from life in a number of ways, but probably the best way for me is just to physically exhaust myself until I can sleep and then wake up refreshed and ready to tackle another day and the problems that accompany it with a clear mind.

Megan Boone said...

Stress is a silent killer if not kept under control. Of course no one can have a 100% stress free life, but there are definitely some things you can do to reduce and eliminate and cope with the stress that comes into your life. For me, being the Vice President of an upcoming organization, things can quickly become overwhelming and I have to have stress relievers in place to get me through rough times. For example, I love to entertain company and be among friends. If my week has been stressful, I like to invite people over to eat and play cards with. Just being around laughter lifts my spirits. Sometimes though, I want to be alone. In those cases I like to go to the movies alone or just chill by myself at home with a good movie! In the spare of the moment, if I feel overwhelmed I know I have to just drop everything and walk away for a couple minutes. It may seem odd to those around waiting on my response, but better I take an immediate break and regroup over making rash decisions or snapping off at someone because tension is building and I’m not sure how to deal with it yet.

Kenneth said...

The best way I cope with stress is doing something out of the ordinary. Sometimes I call a friend I havent talked to in a while. Or I will read a book that I havent yet read. Or just going over someones house like my sisters. When I am over my sisters I can play with my two niece's. My niece Elaina will be turning one in July. She has chunky cheeks. I think seeing them grow is a big stress reliever.

keljon7238 said...

You know that stress can really hold you back or bring you down, but these are a few things taht have helped me out over the years to cope with stress. Find an activity to ware you out, get a proper amount of sleep at night, take a scheduled break get your mind off of it for a couple of minutes,and finally just take care of yourself properly.

Felicia H. said...

The best way for me to relieve stress is to find a quiet place where I can completely zone out and let my mind wander without worry about any distractions. Just relax...if you can't find a peaceful place music can help too.

J said...

Mi try fi live stress free. I try to always laugh and have fun. Just think about a nice quiet place or something good to eat. tink of it like dis. it could always b worse. try to find the good in di bad. enjoy your life. it too short.


Thantoss said...

Well I have a few different ways to relieve stress. First get away from the situation if possible, if not try to take a deep breath and ride the situation out, hopefully it'll be over soon. For me though me main way of relieving stress nowadays is to play video games specifically MMO's. This helps me as a I'm playing games that I enjoy and I'm with a multi -gaming guild that are just fun to be around. Now before I started playing MMO's playing games on my video game console and driving were great ways to relieve stress for me. When I didn't play MMO's how I dealt with stress I would go drive and get myself lost and then try to figure out how to get back.